Saturday, August 29, 2015

Calendar Reflection

Every spare minute of this last week has been dedicated to homework. Whenever I'm not doing homework, I feel like I should be. So when I completed this calendar assignment, I was honestly surprised by the apparent bounty of time that I had open.

ClkerFreeVectorImages "Person Silhouette Panic Sprint Running Fast" via pixabay. CC0 Public Domain
Here I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off when, according to the calendar, I have plenty of hours in the day to complete my work. Of course this panic is not purely due to the 6 hours per week of English, but more because of the massive amounts of daily Calculus the occasional Linguistics and Chemistry homework.

With the amount of time I have available, in theory I should easily be able to fit in time to do homework. But the reality is that I am still struggling to balance my time between my classes. It seems that in order to get on top of things I'm going to have to figure out where all my time is flying away to.

Maybe I will eventually get it all worked out to where I have time for  life outside of homework. But for now, my breaks to eat meals are the most exciting part of my day.

Later on:
I was not terribly surprised to find that some of my classmates were having some of the same problems as me when it came to finding time for anything besides homework. However Aaron seems to be a much better planner than I am, which makes me feel like he is going to be better at budgeting his time than I am.

And Michaela, goodness does that girl impress me. Makes me tired just thinking about having a job and 17 credit hours! But she sort of gave me hope, because if she is able to do all that and still be successful, I should be able to do my 15 credits!


  1. Bailey,

    I often feel the same way as you! Sometimes it feels like I'm constantly rushing around to get to the next thing, and never have time to relax or do the things that make me happy. I'm a Sophmore, and it's my experience thus far that this feeling is characteristic of the first few weeks of a new semester. Once you get in the groove for your classes and learn how to be more efficient with the specific types of homework assigned you will have more time leftover! For now my advice is to try and relax and don't let stress get to you. Best of luck!

  2. I agree, sometimes I feel like time just disappears, and then I'm left with the last day to do assignments. After doing the calendar assignment I realized too how much of my time is devoted to work as well as school and homework. I think it will make it easier to write assignments down or check D2L daily for new additions to classwork. When I sit down to do homework at a time set up by myself earlier, I look through all my assignments before I start to remind myself of what is due and why I need to focus. Most of the time, that's why time gets away from me: I'm not focused on my work.

  3. I totally understand how you felt- I felt the same way during the first couple weeks of school. My calendar said I had all this time, yet it felt like I never had enough time to do my HW, study, AND have a social life. However, after a couple weeks, I got my time management down and slowly was able to add things to my schedule like volunteering and exercise. I hope it worked out for you too. Just focusing on HW all the time can get tiring and I would get burned out very quick. Here are my follow up questions: 1) Have you been able to manage your time better since writing that post? 2) Have you been able to have a life outside of homework/studying? and 3) Has it gotten less hectic? I hope it all worked out!
