Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Project 3 Outline

Using the book's advice on public arguments, I will now construct an outline of Project 3. I am also going to take into account my experience with my Project 2 outline and how the more I put in the outline the easier the draft is to write. FUNNY FACT: When I was looking for evidence just now, my  blog popped up as a search result :P

"Gorillas Fighting" via 9gag.com
I would like to take a moment to appreciate that in the comments under this picture, r0rsch4ch took the time to say "fake gorillas aren't real".  No problem with the lightsabers, but by golly gee you guys those gorilla are the problem with this picture. Anyways, moving on...


I think due to the personal and emotional manner I will be presenting this subject, this would be the best introduction method. I want to make the reader look back to their past and how it affects THEM as a generation. What I want to do in my introduction is introduce how this generation of people was affected by Koko the gorilla and her story. I want to start off my claim by saying how science has made it all about the logical proof and overlooked the emotional impact on the American people. I will use the context of the corrupt America today to state why this is important in the lives of my audience. Also I will briefly outline how feeling connected to another species can bring a oneness with the world that can be very beneficial. Then I will state my thesis about how the emotional impact of Koko the gorilla's communication and story is just as important as the logical proof.


Supporting Arguments

  • The articles about Robin Williams' death and Koko's reaction- public reaction to story
  • Koko the kitten reviews- people talking about feeling connected
  • Comments on YouTube videos about it being heartwarming
  • Comments on articles about story being heartwarming/cute
  • Articles about connection to Koko emotionally


  • People that don't believe in Koko's "communication skill"
  • "What Do Talking Apes Really Tell Us?" article
  • People who condemn believers
  • Scientists that just look for straightforward evidence
  • People that believe Koko's skill is due to selective interpretation and to earn money
  • Comments on YouTube/Articles about it being stupid/fake
  • People that think the whole thing is pointless/dumb

Key Support 

Rebuttal Points
  • People that think it is all for monetary gain or from selective interpretation-I can address this viewpoint while also strengthening my point when I point out what the people who believe have gained and the emotional deficits of those that have this viewpoint (Include "What Do Talking Apes Really Tell Us?" article). I will also want to point out what the revenues from the gorilla foundation go to, and how the selective interpretation is not detrimental to society.
  • Scientists looking for straightforward evidence- I need to address why this is also important in the grand scheme of things. The whole goal of my project is to make the audience see why straightforward facts are not the only important part of this story, so I will have to address the viewpoint several times throughout the "heartwarming tale" but skeptics are more wise.article. http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2014/08/koko_kanzi_and_ape_language_research_criticism_of_working_conditions_and.html quote about how 
  • People that don't believe Koko's communication skill- I will use this viewpoint to address the fact that they can think this AND see the emotional benefits at the same time. This will also be a main part of my argument and so I will have to address the fact that this is an opinion. This will actually be helpful to my argument whether people agree with this viewpoint or not, because it will give me credibility as an author and draw my audience closer to me. http://sguforums.com/index.php?topic=1494.105

Tentative Topic Sentences For KEY SUPPORT
  • In fact, stories about Koko the gorilla helped the American people through a recent tragedy: the death of Robin Williams in 2014. 
  • One of the most candid ways of seeing the public's reaction to Koko's stories is in the comments left on articles and videos by individuals touched by the stories. 
  • Koko first stole the public's heart in 1987, when the book Koko's Kitten was published. That was the point at which the name "Koko" began to become a household name. (I had to include that second sentence because otherwise I'll forget it).

Tentative Topic Sentences for REBUTTAL POINTS
  • Although some might argue that this is all a ploy for monetary gain, the revenue has been put to noble use by the Gorilla Foundation. (talk about how Koko was the start of the foundation and all the good that has come from it) (again, I had to include that or I would forget).
  • Koko has been the result of leaps and bounds in the field of animal communication, however as a result the positive emotional impact on America has been largely overlooked.
  • Without a doubt the degree of Koko's communication skill is still up in the air, but what isn't are the emotional benefits in spite of the logical uncertainty. 


The link to the Popplet of the outline of my argument can be found here. I tried a different platform for my web so its a little ugly but it should be alright to follow.


In my conclusion I am going to talk about the positive effect of all the emotions and happenings that I have talked about in my article. It isn't necessarily a positive PHYSICAL action that will create the positive affects, but a positive mental action. I will talk about how keeping in mind the other outcomes of this controversy can make it so no matter the scientific outcome, something morally good has come from it. I will talk about how Koko's story is still developing and will be continuing to inspire positive emotional out pours if the public is willing to look past the bare logic of the situation.


For my reflection I looked at the visual elements Olivia and Grace planned on using for their projects. I really want to be able to look a things from my audience's point of view like Olivia can, and I think that this skill will be really effective for her project. I also noticed that Grace is going to take (what is in my opinion) the harder route by trying to stay unbiased. Its cool how she's trying to challenge herself like that, and I think her use of call-outs in the text will be really effective. Also Lia's comment on my post made me feel pretty confident about my own project's visuals. I'm excited to implement these plans and see how they work out!

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