Sunday, November 22, 2015

Reflection on Project 3

Ah reflection, here we come. In this post I will be reflecting on Project 3 by answering the questions posed in WPL. In honor of Thanksgiving, enjoy the turkey comics. 

Firestone, Herb "Thanksgiving Day Humor"
11/22/13 via pinterest
1. What specifically was revised from one draft to the other?

Specifically my main revision was the fact that I included the importance of Koko's Kitten as far as the function it fills in teaching children about death. Also I worked on making it so that the emotional appeals were definitely there working their magic, but they weren't so blatantly obvious. 

2. Global changes: How did you reconsider thesis and organization?

I kept my overall argument the same throughout revision, since I think it was pretty clear what I was trying to do with the project. But I changed around the organization a little bit so that I had relevant information that led up to Robin Williams' death concerning Koko's Kitten and it was helpful to my argument. 

3. What led to these changes?

I basically changed this to better achieve the purpose I was trying to fulfill. I wanted my audience to feel nostalgic and be led to my way of thinking through this nostalgia, and so I made changes to make this more possible.

4. How do these changes affect your credibility as a writer?

I think that they don't necessarily impact my credibility. I was trying to do it in a way that wasn't too obvious to my reader, but I feel like maybe by making a stronger case for myself I made myself more credible. 

5. How will these changes better address the audience?

Again it's how I went for the nostalgic feel. I think that considering the generation that I was catering towards, I needed to make these connections to their personal pasts to make my piece more poignant to them. 
Firestone, Herb "Thanksgiving Humor"
11/22/14 via pinterest.
6. Local changes: How did you reconsider sentence structure and style?

I worked on making sure that I was conversational and casual in my sentence structure because this is a convention of my genre. I also liked utilizing the pretty sounding sentence structure that is used in the genre. 

7. How will these changes assist your audience in understanding your purpose?

I think that this will for one make  it seem less like I am trying to shove my argument down their throats and more like I a just having a conversation with them. The way that I present my argument isn't very overwhelming and so hopefully this would lead to my audience not feeling attacked. I just want to show them of this different perspective, not change their entire belief system or anything. 

8. Did you have to reconsider the conventions of the genre?

I had to for the title. It seems like a really dumb long title, but believe me, that's what they like in this genre. So I had to find a way to emulate that which was sort of difficult. Also since the genre varies in tone and structure, I had to find and consider the one that would most likely be used for this kind of piece. 

9. How did reflection help you consider your identity as a writer?

It actually makes me feel pretty insightful as a writer to be able to justify my reasoning for what I did or didn't do with this process. I think that reflecting on this makes me feel better about my own writing, because it makes it clear that I wasn't just arbitrarily pounding on keys, I had a plan. And I really like that I am able to consider the reader's needs and change my writing accordingly. 

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