Sunday, November 15, 2015

Reflection on Project 3 Draft

For my peer reivew, I looked at Michaela and Grace's drafts. The review sheets can be found here: MICHAELA'S REVIEW SHEET, GRACE'S REVIEW SHEET.

Now that Draft 3 is complete, I am going to take this post to evaluate the process I have undergone thus far in Project 3.
Mattox, Bailey "Sammy" 11/15/15

Grace reviewed my project 3 rough draft. Since I had just done an outline of sorts for my draft and where I was going to put evidence and had not yet added all of the specific evidence, most of her advice was stuff I was already going to do. I thought it was a bit confusing that she told me to make separate paragraphs for rebuttal arguments because that's what I thought I had already done. But I did like her advice about appealing directly to the audience, and was able to use that in revision.

I think that I need to focus in a little on what my purpose is and achieving my purpose, as well as my argumentation. I think that with another revision of two I could add in some extra phrases and ideas that could help strengthen these.

After peer review and conferences I am feeling pretty confident about the direction I want to take in my draft. I think that the advice I received will really help to make this project successful and really make my audience think the way I want them to.

1 comment:

  1. 3 extra credit points attributed to blog posts 4.12 & 3.15
