Saturday, December 5, 2015

Revisiting My Writing Process

LAST PROJECT CAN I GET A WOOT WOOT?! Now that I have completed 3 whole months in college and 3 whole projects in English 109H, I'm going to go back and reread my very first blog posts (awwww memory lane here we come) and reflect. Specifically I'm going to reflect on what has and hasn't changed since then and looking forward to the future of my writing.
Mattox, Bailey "Ruby" 11/25/15 via Photos
My Writing Process

At the beginning of this course and this whole blogging fiasco, I considered myself a Heavy Reviser, and perfectly content to be so. I honestly didn't expect to change much at all. But after all of the blogging and planning before every project, I really think I have changed into more of a heavy planner. I still tend to spew thoughts during the blogging process, but that is a way more productive spewing than what I was doing before. In my first blog post about my writing process, I described my first drafts and outlines as "a jagged jumble of thoughts". But one thing about this course is it literally forces you to start planning FAR before even your outline.  It is actually remarkably relaxing to piece the draft together because I already have so much of what I want to do planned out. As a result revision is pretty easy now, and that's actually pretty nice to have it all together by that stage in the game.Of course since now I spend a lot of my time planning in my head before I write, I still have a tendency to procrastinate on actually writing out what I want to say. But overall, I am pretty surprised how much my writing process has changed for the better because of this course.

Calendar Reflection

THANKFULLY my days have become much less homework-centric. In my Calendar Reflection blog post, I talked about how my time just flew away, and even today sometimes I just can't figure out where it goes, but now I've figured out how to manage my time.  I still haven't had much problem with time for Linguistics, Chemistry, and English, but math is still 4 hours per night. The main difference now is that I found out that I actually work well on a reward system. So for example that day we talked about those horror movie to romantic comedy trailers on YouTube, I started just watching them all. Then I realized I really needed to do homework, and so I made a deal with my self that every blog post I wrote I got to watch one. And so I kept finding things like that to keep me on track. It also kept the process of homework from getting too boring. I'll still get on kicks where I just don't want to do anything and then one night I do EVERYTHING, but now its much more balanced and I have found the time to hang out with friends and go to sporting events and have a life outside of homework.

Looking Forward

This is my last English class EVER and I was sort of expecting it to be nothing new. But actually I really do feel like I have changed and learned a lot because of this class as well as the whole college experience.  As a result of this class I have also begun to understand what is expected of me as a college student, and learned how to step up my game and be open to change.I think I'll always be a little bit of a procrastinator, but at least now I know how to regulate myself. This class was also a lot more self-motivated than I am used to, and this is going to come in really handy as I move forward in my career. I liked the feeling that I was able to figure things out and work for myself, and come for help when I needed it. All together my balancing skills have gotten much better because of this course, and in the future I hope to continue this improvement.

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