Saturday, September 5, 2015

Evaluation of Social Media Sources

Using Storify, I created a story about animal testing and the social media talk about it. Using Facebook, I searched and analyzed the sources I found. Below I am posting my evaluation of two of the most useful people that posted and evaluating the post and the person who posted the story as well. While both of these posts are very biased, I believe they still offer important and relevant information on this subject.

Source #1

Mattox, Bailey "Screenshot of 'Long Island Orchestrating for Nature- KIDS'"
The first source was written by an organization called "Long Island Orchestrating for Nature", an organization for animal rights out of, you guessed it, Long Island.

In their post, they talk about the number of animals killed each year by animal testing, and offer their own alternative "cruelty free" products. I was able to verify the numbers they offered with the numbers offered by "Humane Society International" which is a reputable source on this subject.

As you can imagine from their name, they are directly related in that they are pro-nature and pro-animal rights, and they have many other posts relating to animal cruelty (in fact basically everything they write relates to this subject) and they often post sad looking pictures of animals to help raise awareness for their cause.

The account was only created in 2013, but I still believe that the information is reliable after  verifying with other sources and because of their followers which include the "Wildlife Preservation Coalition".

Source #2

Mattox., Bailey "Screenshot of 'Surfcat Cafe and Adoptions'"
The organization "Surfcat Cafe and Adoptions" is responsible for the second post in which they linked me to an article about cat testing in labs and also the "Beagle Freedom Project" which is trying to release beagles (I'm not sure why beagles specifically but they're adorable so...) from laboratory testing.

Their institution and those they linked me to seem to be credible based on their notoriety and the Google searches I did on them. They are very directly related with animal rights and help rehab animals that have gone through traumatizing situations and find them homes.

This organization often post pictures of the animals in their care, as well as many links to articles relating to animal rights. They are not followed by any big organizations, but the reviews from their individual followers are overwhelmingly positive.

They are a very recently started page, but the large amount of reviews for their page leads me to believe that they are reliable and have an established reputation in the field of animal activism.

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