Saturday, September 19, 2015

Paragraph Analysis

In conducting a paragraph analysis of my draft, I discovered a few things that had previously gone unnoticed. I feel like I'm playing hide and go seek almost with all these different errors in my writing, it always seems like "Oh THERE you are you sneaky little mistake". But with all this searching, I feel like I'll be able to have a well written QRG as a result.

Raising Lifelong Learners "Preschool Science: Studying Bats with Hide and Sonar-Seek" via Google Images.

For one, I'm slacking pretty badly on transitions between paragraphs. I previously went back and made sure that transitions between SECTIONS were well done, but I forgot to analyze the separate paragraphs as well.I will definitely  be going back and making sure that there is more of a flow between paragraphs.

However I do a pretty solid job of stating the main point and developing it. I was actually pleasantly surprised to find that for the most part I have some pretty developed main points in my different paragraphs. I stay on topic and seem to relate everything back to how it affects the animal testing controversy.

I also am pretty good at linking my statements using parallelism and organizing my thoughts so that they make logical sense. Everything seemed to be in the right place for the most part sequentially, and I think it was pretty east to follow paragraph to paragraph.

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