Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Analyzing Purpose

I want to add a new perspective to this controversy, and in this post I will start talking and brainstorming about exactly what this new point of view could be. I will be writing in paragraph form for some of the post and then I will also include a chart to go through the process described in the textbook.

Blumenthal, Roy "08 -- Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: What You Need..."
03/23/09 via flickr. Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 Generic

In purpose, my public argument will be similar to that of the other perspectives on this topic in that my main purpose will be to make the readers think and do a little self-reflection. I hope to make the readers see the emotional importance of Koko the gorilla's story, and feel touched by the emotional aspect of this controversy. I am going to try to convey my message to the reader in a way that makes them understand the importance of Koko outside of scientific research. Also with my targeted audience, I will create some self reflection that will make the reader think about their own experiences with this story. 

Plausible Actions/Reactions
Not Plausible
Self reflection
Sentimental feelings
Moved to action
Change in perspective
Complete change in ideology
Think it’s foolish
Any drastic action
Self reflection- react calmer in future to news about Koko, be less inclined to dismiss something as "stupid" or foolish, realize the implications outside of scientific values. \

Sentimental feelings- stronger reaction to future news about Koko, grow more attached to Koko's story and be more willing to stick up for their side in the future.

Change in perspective- realize the implications outside of scientific research and not be so inclined to judge in the future when they see this perspective and the positive reaction from this perspective. 

Think its foolish- become a firm believer in the logical perspective of this issue, be unwilling to listen to the other side and be more resistant to emotional arguments in the future. 

Since my goal is to move my reader to self-reflection and a positive emotional reaction  to my perspective, I think that the best bet would be for me to either target younger scientific minds or early 50's people that were growing up when Koko was becoming popular. The younger audience is more likely (theoretically) to be open to new perspectives and have points of views that can be swayed. Conversely the older audience would have a closer emotional bond to Koko already and not need as much background information or convincing. Since there is likely already some sentimentality there on this topic, it would be easier to convince them of my perspective. However a lot of them may not need convincing if they are emotionally attached already to the topic. 

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