Saturday, October 24, 2015

Audience and Genre

In this blog post I will be analyzing the audience I need to be addressing in this project and the setting in which I will be addressing them. I plan on writing this paper in a way that I haven't been able to find so far, which is from more of a personal standpoint. That is, I will use personal stories and experience to talk about this topic.

The people that care about this topic are literally everyone. Just kidding just kidding. The people that care about the answers to the questions I have presented and I will be catering to are probably the people that were growing up when Koko's Kitten was published, aka people who are now in their mid-forties or early fifties. This topic would matter to them because it is a part of their childhood. Since they became emotionally invested in this topic from an early age, they are more likely to be sentimental and more responsive to the way I plan on addressing this topic. I might be able to reach this audience in something like a newspaper, because older people read newspapers (just kidding I read them too) or an documentary about Koko and the emotional response she has received.  Some example links are:

Online Newspapers:

*NOTE: Although these are online newspapers, if I chose this as my project I would most likely make a more real newspaper, made out of actual paper. Because that is way cooler.

Online Videos/Documentaries

*NOTE: Although these are on youtube I would be more likely to make a video that would hypothetically be on the tv since late forties people are more likely to watch something like the discovery channel than the internet.

Howie. Jason "Social Media apps" 03/23/13 via flickr.
Attribution 2.0 Generic
Another audience that would be likely to care about the answers to my questions are younger and more scientific minds, perhaps in their late twenties. Scientific minds this young would be interested in the material I was presenting, but much more responsive than older people that probably would be less open to a viewpoint like this at this point. I would be most likely to be able to reach this audience through an online article on a popular science website like IFL Science, or in a forum like social media (Facebook page) since younger people are more likely to utilize the internet and social media. Some examples are:

Online Article:

Social Media:

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