Thursday, October 8, 2015

Cluster of "What Do Talking Apes Really Tell Us"

In this post I will be talking about the Coggle I created  based on the rhetorical strategies used in "What Do Talking Apes Really Tell Us?" but Jane C. Hu.

May, Baloo-Rex "Don't worry too much about math, science, or history- just make sure you get good marks in rhetoric" 05/06/08 via For non-commercial use only, no derivatives. 

When I created my Coggle, I focused on the rhetorical strategies of Ethos, Pathos, Logos, Audience, Author, and Context. Within these different branches of my Coggle, I addressed how the author utilized these techniques to convince the audience of skeptics and believers alike that Koko's apparent communication skills  are just an illusion of Penny Patterson's creation. In these different categories I also identified the beliefs and values of the audience and analyzed how Hu used each technique to play on these beliefs and values.

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