Saturday, October 17, 2015

Paragraph Analysis 2

In this post I will be evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of my essay's paragraphs. In doing so I will be analyzing several important aspects of the paragraph as stated in the book. The link to my Paragraph Analysis can be found here.

Oskay, Windell "Paragraphetzel" 03/06/07 via flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic

After analyzing some of my paragraphs are definitely way stronger than others. My last two paragraphs in particular aren't interesting enough. I think that while I stay on topic,develop my point, use transitions and organization, what is lacking is the quality of the main point I am making. I need to make it worthwhile to read.

The other three paragraphs are better on this point, and do all of the right things, but the first body paragraph may have a hard time focusing on one main point. I definitely plan on going back to these paragraphs and making them stronger with their main points. I am also going to read back through my first body paragraph to make sure that it isn't too confusing.

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